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Bookings during busy periods

If you have holiday dates lined up please get your dogs booked in, especially for the school holiday periods.

Please let us know whether your dogs will be arriving and leaving during the morning or afternoon opening times.  We are open Mon-Sat 9-10.30 and 4.30-6 and in the afternoons 4.30-6 on Sundays. Bank holiday hours are always published in advance on our times and prices page.

If your plans change please just let us know as soon as you can.

One change this year is that we have decided that during school holidays we need 72 hours notice for cancellations or changes to dates, or we will ask you to pay for the booking you had made.  We hope you will understand that this is because we are probably turning away other bookings during these busy times and it gives us a chance to re-let the kennel.  

See you soon!